Monday, July 24, 2017

Monday: Ok, but I needed a figure.

I spent a large chunk of the day proofreading a paper (that is much less complete than I thought it would be), and figures 5-12 were all various correlation plots.  Are "correlogram" plots not common (in quotes because google doesn't converge on if that's the right name)?
The NSF data again, which is a terrible data set to use for this, but I needed something.
The idea being that you have N variables, and want to see how they map against each other, so you put them into a big grid so you can see how all the things match against all the other things.  I wrote a quick version years ago, and went with the R version, just because that was reasonably easy to do:


I'm sure there's a snek version as well.  That reminds me that I need to add a "snek bits" tag.

  • My initial guess would have been the kid had been a jerk to the squirrel.  I also would have said that the guy might have cut the video to just show the bite, and maybe he did something before that.  However, putting them both together leads me to the same conclusion as the health department; this isn't a normal squirrel, and it's probably sick.  The only time I've ever been bitten by a squirrel I gained the proportional strength and abilities of a squirrel it was a tiny nibble by a squirrel who was really excited about food, and missed when it tried to get some.
  • Ok, if this had been any other site telling me to "not order a fancy burger," I'd ignore it and put it in the "don't tell me what to do" category.  The problem is, I watch their youtube channel, and just last month, they had a video that was "this is a super fancy burger, and you should totally order it if you can."
  • Also, I'm pretty sure this qualifies as the end state of "don't tell me what to do" in relation to food.
  • I like the raincoat one the best.
  • I couldn't tell what was wrong when I watched the bootleg copy of the trailer, but it's obvious when someone says it.  Thanos looks weird without his hat.
  • Nova and Quasar can both fly, and they're spending their time making horses angry?
  • This has been all over my Twitter timeline.  I don't understand how hard this is for people.  "Well, we'll have to see what the writers come up with!"  Boom.  You've diffused the ship talk you don't want to deal with, and you don't make something that makes the shippers feel bad.
    • In case it isn't clear, I'm talking about the fandom relationship shipping, not the logistics of transporting objects shipping.

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