Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Wednesday: I can't think of a good title for today.

Maybe something about, "huh, that's a lot of tabs I have planned for the links today."  Because I do.  Eighteen.  Let's see how many I cull out when we get there.

I also got office candy today:

"Aren't grape and muscat technically the same?"  Yes, but I think Japan has a thing about muscat grapes.

And then I turned it over and saw that they're "best before" like nine days ago.  Come on, Longs.  Oh well.  I mean, they're gummy gobs of sugar, so I'm not that worried.  Also: yummy, so I'm probably going to eat them pretty quickly.
While I was trying to decide on dinner, Julie posted a photo of her super delicious looking dinner.  So that made me look up something tasty as well, and that's when I discovered that you can now order Honolulu Burger Company online.  I probably should have done that, because going there meant waiting for the couple who both suddenly realized that they would need to pay for their burgers.  It was seriously a massive surprise to both of them.

My pictures aren't particularly fancy, because I was more interested in eating:
Mushroom mushroom burger on wheat, no chipotle mayo, add gochujang.  I took off the tomato, because it didn't look super red all the way through.

And my out-of-focus sweet potato fries.

One.  I removed one link because it was a duplicate North Carolina story, but nytimes and so had the stupid subscription thing.

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