Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sunday: Return home.

Which is always kind of a mixed bag.  It's nice to be back home where it's all my stuff, but it's less fun to leave people in other cities.

Also: SFO needs to fix their security lines.  The premier line was a million people long, and was going at a rate of "good fucking luck."  Here's a short list of problems:
  1. Those stupid backscatter machines don't work.  In the course of not working, they need to be constantly calibrated to not work as efficiently as possible.  This stops all security checks, as they cram everyone through it.
  2. Opting out means you have to wait for fucking ever because even though they have like two dozen people working, they're doing important jobs like "pointing at the line because people are stupid" and "looking over the shoulder of the x-ray guy, because when you have poorly trained morons running that, you need to use twice as many people to get that coveted 4% detection rate" and "these other two workers aren't going to be able to chat with me if I'm not here."  Seriously, fuck all TSA workers.  They're crappy rent-a-cops that have the ability to make people miss flights.  
  3. Old people who have never flown before should have to get to the airport four hours early to watch "here's how flying works, since this isn't the goddamn 70s anymore, dummy" videos.  Flying has been deregulated for nearly forty years.  Get with the program.

In any case, due to illness, there was to be no breakfast before leaving for the airport.  Due to shear incompetence of the SFO TSA team, there was to be no pastrami sandwiches at the airport while waiting for the plane to board.  I did get on the plane, boarding with group 4.  I probably could have gotten the pastrami sandwich, but it would have been even more uncomfortably close.  So shitty airplane sandwich then?

I mean, seriously, who fucking puts mayo on a caprese sandwich?  This was not a good sandwich.  I should have gotten pretty much anything else on the menu.
 And then plane stuff.  Vroom vroom through the air.
And then a wild Kailua appeared.

Which meant that I could put into motion "Operation Breakfast".  My plan was to recreate this breakfast.

Some things were different, but they were all delicious.

And here's the first pass on clearing rss saved items:

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