Saturday, September 7, 2013

This Harley Quinn debacle

I was pretty much with everyone else on this, with the "wow, that's a shitty set of panels."  Then I sat down and though, "hey, I can fucking do that.  I have the power of CRAYON THEATER!"  Then I saw this suggestion, and decided I was on board adding the extra constraint of "put Kate and Maggie in the background."  I've had to retrofit my drawing to follow the whole "proposal/wedding/reception/honeymoon" in my explanation text, but I'm fine with bending the rules a bit.

First, I needed some references.  I know what Harley looks like, but I couldn't remember where the red and black trade off.  Next, I needed to remember what Maggie Sawyer looks like entirely.  Batwoman is again red and black, but I forgot she has a wing-y mask.  Finally, "cellphone tower"? WTF?

Harley is on top of a building, holding a large DETACHED cellphone tower in her hands as lightning is striking just about everywhere except her tower. She is looking at us like she cannot believe what she is doing. Beside herself. Not happy.

Explanation:  Here we see Harley on top of a building in the right foreground.  She is holding the large DETACHED cellphone tower and lightning is striking everywhere.  I've drawn a second Harley, to illustrate that she is beside herself.  Neither Harley is happy.

In the background, on a tower that I designed with windows that kind of look like a face, we can see Batwoman and Maggie Sawyer kissing, after Maggie accepts Kate's marriage proposal.

Harley is sitting in an alligator pond, on a little island with a suit of raw chicken on, rolling her eyes like once again, she cannot believe where she has found herself. We see the alligators ignoring her.

Explanation: Harley is sitting in an alligator pond on a little island.  As instructed, the little island has a suit of raw chicken on.  I'm not sure I got the color quite right, but I decided to make the suit jacket lapels out of chicken legs to ensure that the concept went through.  It's hard to draw rolling eyes with a very dull black crayon, so I gave Harley a shruggy pose, and illustrated her confusion using two large question marks above her head.  There are two alligators, both of which are ignoring Harley, as they are busy watching the wedding in the distance.  They are dressed in their best alligator top hats, as this is a formal occasion (possibly why the island is wearing the suit).

In the background, Batwoman and Maggie Sawyer are getting married.  Note that to emphasize this, I did not color the cocktails that I originally had in the alligators' hands.  You don't drink at the wedding proper, so it didn't seem appropriate.

Harley is sitting in an open whale mouth, tickling the inside of the whale’s mouth with a feather. She is ecstatic and happy, like this is the most fun ever.

Explanation:  I think this one is pretty self explanatory.  I made the feather green to ensure it stood out among the other colors, but it now kind of looks like a pickle.  I have no clue what the inside of a whale's mouth looks like, so I made it uniformly red.  The whale is based on my memory of Bubby from Flapjack.

On top of the whale's head, Batwoman and Maggie Sawyer are having their first dance.  I now see that Maggie kind of looks like a badly rendered NES character.

Harley sitting naked in a bathtub with toasters, blow dryers, blenders, appliances all dangling above the bathtub and she has a cord that will release them all. We are watching the moment before the inevitable death. Her expression is one of “oh well, guess that’s it for me” and she has resigned herself to the moment that is going to happen.

Explanation: Harley is in the bathtub, naked except for her mask (otherwise, how would you know it was her?).  Above her, I've dangled the toaster, blow dryer, blender, and for the "appliances," I selected a refrigerator and a washing machine.  I didn't use the plurals of these, as again, crayons are hard to draw with.  You may note that the blender is in an impossible position, as that cord could not possibly support it upright.  This entire thing is an impossible position.  In Harley's left hand, she's holding a A-minor chord, reminding us of the sadness of inevitable death.  It also matches the requirement in the screenshot attached above.  In case the new text of "cord" is correct, I have placed that into Harley's right hand.

Through the window behind Harley, I've drawn Batwoman and Maggie Sawyers swinging through town on their honeymoon.  The sun is shining through the other window.

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