Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday: So instead, I'm just going to caption a bunch of medieval drawings

Artist: Wait, so I'm confused here.  Do I draw the halo for Dionysius where his head should be, or do I draw it where he's holding his head now?  Fuck it, he gets two halos.

"Dude! Hey! Look! I've got a ball! Fuck you winged jerks! We're totally playing soccer later!"

"No, see, look.  I'm reading the passage, and it clearly says, 'people have two arms.'  I don't know what the fuck is going on with you, but you've got too many.  I mean, I only have two arms.  I'm pretty sure I'm not the freak here."
"Oh come on! Every fucking Thursday it's the same damn thing.  You come rolling in at 3AM, turn on all the fucking lights, and start making noise.  Some of us have to get up on Fridays.  We're not all business majors!"

"I literally have no fucking clue what I'm supposed to be."

  •  How did I know that "random saint holding his own decapitated head" is Dionysius?  Because I do.  I've long ago stopped wondering where the random shit I know comes from.
  • Careful there, Mr. Panda.
  • "It's pinterest that you eat."
  • David Bowie in something I don't care to track down tonight.
  • I can't wait to see how pissed people are going to be when they discover that people in other states have wonderful health care and they've been screwed out of it.
  • Also, have you seen the new healthcare webpage?  I went through the things, and it's all "whoa, hold on there, Captain.  You have insurance, and want to keep it?  Boom. Done.  Go off and enjoy your health insurance.  We're here to help people who want new stuff."  You know, kind of completely the opposite of what those assholes that shut down the government today have been saying.

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