Saturday, September 1, 2018

Saturday: I think this is my first day not leaving the house in forever.

It was actually kind of nice.  Wake up, go back to sleep for a lazy morning, think about getting up and making breakfast, go back to sleep some more, have a realization about the actual identity of the breakfast I was planning on having, read the internet for a bit, get up and clean the bathroom, get clean, answer the equivalent of the phone, do a quick tour of my apartment via phone, work on porting a FITS utility program I wrote ages ago to snek, discover that snek often has too much "not api" documentation, but that the api actually isn't totally stupid (I'm looking at you, CFITSIO), make lunch, make dinner, watch youtube, watch a show I've heard about until it got too cringey to continue, do a bit of work stuff to kick my tests for another day, fix the stupid bug that probably broke the tests yesterday, and I probably need to fill the dishwasher before I go to bed.

The revelation this morning was that the scrambled eggs + fried potatoes + pan sausage + sriracha dish from Julie is just just the insides of a breakfast burrito.  My plan was to use the sausage and sriracha to cover up my dislike of scrambled eggs, since I've always considered them gross.

That all changed today.  I've finally learned how to make scrambled eggs, and what has been wrong all this time.  I also cheated, so I'll include the cheats in my recipe:

  1. Cut up about two-three inches of green onion greens into super fine shreds.
  2. Beat two eggs with the green onions, then add a few splashes of soy sauce.
  3. Heat up a the small nonstick pan on medium
  4. Beat the eggs some more.
  5. No, really, like beat the eggs a lot more than that.
  6. Add a big chunk of butter to the pan, and immediately drop it to #2.
  7. Once the butter is melted, set the timer for two minutes.
  8. Add the eggs to the pan, swish it around, and then use the spatula to push the eggs to the opposite side.
  9. Repeat until ~1:30 have passed, and the eggs have stopped having liquid bits.
  10. Plate.
The other stuff just got fried up in the big nonstick pan.
And then I made burritos with all that stuff and some cheese, and they were delicious.  Plus I have a big container of sausage and potatoes in my fridge for tomorrow.  And, I now have a use for the remaining ~8 eggs in my fridge.  It's like a whole new world of food.

  • This was the only blog post I could find referencing the recipe.  I wish I had cider and apple butter.  People at work suggest apple butter is totally a thing here, though, so I just need to wait a month or two.
  • My base recipe for the eggs.  I should probably get mirin at some point so I can make proper tamagoyaki.
  • Today's youtube has been adversely affected by this crappy concert and their stupid advertisements.  I don't care, and I doubly don't care, even when you overlay the ad for the entire length of the video.
  • Aggretsuko.

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