Saturday, September 15, 2018

Saturday: A productive day.

I took out the trash, the recycling, and a bunch of moving boxes.  I got the laundry and dishes done last night, although I probably should have waited until today (since I bought a new hoodie).  I decided I was never going to find a night stand I liked, so I should just get one I didn't hate.  I did, and now I don't have to worry about rolling over onto a bunch of things in the night.  But perhaps the most important thing I did was this:
"Did you know they put mac and cheese in a breadbowl at Panera?"
I did not, until I watched last night's Minecraft video.  Ryan discovered this, and Michael immediately noted that that's what he always gets.  It's not quite as good as they built it up to be, but it's M&C in a bunch of bread.  I got a soup as well, so I could dip the bread when I was done.  Maybe I just needed a soupier M&C.

Then shopping, then trash and such, and finally, after taking an ill-advised nap because it meant dinner didn't happen until 10:

Pot roast.
Or, more specifically, "basically a stew."  The meat is good, I probably put too many veggies in it (a bunch of potatoes, half a bag of baby carrots I needed to use up, an onion, like a pound of mushrooms), I should have added more salt, it didn't really need gravy, but dumping the liquid down the drain seemed like a sin so I thickened it with a quick roux.  I have a lot of leftovers, so this is probably lunch for next week.

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