Thursday, July 24, 2014

Thursday: Someone was talking about foxes on youtube last night.

It's the same one from this post from 2011.  Also: holy crap, this image is almost eight years old.

  • Cat snake.
  • Wombat.
  • Skeleton hell.
  • Tiny bunny.
  • Michael J. New is a fucking idiot.  Here's the relevant bit, "The question of how to handle pregnant students is a problem that many private Christian schools have grappled with in the past. Punishing such students might make them more likely to choose abortion; accommodating them might undermine norms against premarital sex and create a culture where abortions happen more often."  Get that?  A leads to more abortions.  Not-A also leads to more abortions.  The implied logic here is that the only way to stop abortions is make them entirely illegal, and then you can punish all you want, with nothing to stop you.  That must be his conclusion, since accommodating would still lead to "undermined norms," and that's obviously something he's opposed to.
    • Want a second point?  "I would hate to see pregnancy resource centers lose out on donations because the government is taking on a more active role in caring for mothers."  If I'm not mistaken, PRCs tend to be religious/pro-life institutions.  So if the government helped people out more, they might not go to private pro-life groups.  What a jerk.

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