Saturday, July 26, 2014

Saturday: I don't know what the title is going to be. Let's just choose a random picture from the download pile.

Sure.  That works.

I mean, Season of the Mists.  Morpheus just goes to Hell.  He doesn't have to plot a course past Apokalips to get there.  He just goes.  Why?  Because you don't need a fucking map to get there.  And when was the dreaming separated from nightmares?  It was always just an aspect of the local region.  Of course, the monitors observe everything.  Like when they lived on a satellite and watched Earth.  Or when they didn't know about Darkseid and the Fourth World.  And, you have this "new 52," where there are only 52 universes (excluding all this other shit you're now rolling into the concept).  Why, after jerking off on the number 52 for nearly a decade now, did you start numbering from zero, so you don't actually have a universe 52?  Why are some unnumbered?  Is there some secret conspiracy that we're not supposed to know that there's a universe 14, and even if we figured that out, we'd ruin things if we know where in the puke pile in the center of your map it was located?  And you put Destiny outside the Source Wall.  Which is dumb for many reasons, the least of which is that something like this (sure, this is Fantastic Four from Marvel, but still) is the obvious allegory that the SW always seemed to represent.

This is the problem with Grant Morrison.  He's a fucking idiot.  However, he thinks that by putting lots of cryptic bullshit in his stories, he can fool people into thinking he's smart.  Apparently he's fooled enough, but just stapling more cryptic bullshit on top of old cryptic bullshit isn't telling a story.  Do you know where this shows up?  Final Crisis.  That's not a story.  It's a parody of a story.  Seven Soldiers of Victory.  Not a story.  Not even seven stories.  It's a shitty attempt to retell the Arthur legend using minor characters.  I mean, slogging through...fuck.  Bulleteer and Zatanna were the only moderately interesting things, and I can't even remember the details of Zatanna's story.  I think she loses her powers or something?  Something totally original like that.  He put Frankenstein on Mars and it was boring.  Frankenstein on Mars should be one of those "is this awesome [y/y]" kind of stories.

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