Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thursday: Yes, this gif is massive and takes forever to load.

But I don't care.  I enjoyed it.
I also decided today that a follow up to yesterday's math would be good.  It's basically yesterday's figure #2, just with more samples, showing that the real peak becomes dominant after the sixth iteration:

  • I think DeLong gets group five wrong here.  Grad students in the sciences can't really be outsourced in any real fashion.  Sorry, economics (and other social sciences). You aren't a real science.
  • I was going to post about the Machiavellian top-down antics of this "Groundswell" group.  However, reading the quotes, it sounds a lot more like somebody decided they needed to form a "cool kids club" to talk about all their great plans and ideas.
    • I totally could have spelled that "kool kids klub" and that would have worked too.
    • BTW: Virginia Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, is kind of a horrible bitch.
  • No, you shouldn't be worried.  Plague isn't something you can't deal with with a little bit of antibiotics.  It's not like it ever killed anyone.  Besides, that squirrel fucking looks like it has plague.  Don't play with diseased looking squirrels.  Happy squirrels make sine waves.  Plague squirrels limp along like they have the fucking plague.  This isn't rocket science.
  • Rocket science.
  • This is a brilliant plan.  Similar wonderful plans from my D&D days:
    • Remember that there's a grain stockpile in the room down the hall.  Grab bag of flour and throw it into the room filled with evil elven archers that are currently monkey stomping the party through the narrow doorway.  Toss in torch to ignite the room.  Because flour explosions are an actual thing.
    • Trapped in a house being attacked by worgs.  Cleric uses stone shape to cover the windows and doors in thick stone.  When morning arrived, party had to climb out the chimney to get out.

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