Saturday, October 19, 2013

Saturday: Part 1: Morning

Why do I have a morning post today? Yesterday I got a phone call that I had to go get a vaccination due to the new magic drugs I'm taking.  Woo.  In a move that surprised me, they were able to schedule that for today.  The downside of next-day, weekend doctor visits is that they were crazy overbooked, so I ended up sitting and waiting for an hour.  This meant that the next part of the day's plan was going to be delayed.

What was that next part?

Doughnut time!
Since I was up and out in the morning, I figured something breakfast-y was the way to go.

Not the absolute best selection today, and I wanted two of those chocolate/almond ones in the lower right corner, but still, OM NOM NOM.
Then I got stuck in traffic, and started formulating a few equations that attempt to explain why things are slow by modelling v_T as a function like v_T ~ v_0 * (\rho/\rho_0)**-\alpha, where \rho is the car density and \rho_0 is the maximum possible density.  Problems arise during mergers, which should be equivalent to moving from \rho/\rho_0 to (\rho + \rho')/\rho_0.  Since you want to optimize flow = v_T * \rho, you can kind of imagine that flow increases with \rho up to some critical value \rho_C < \rho_0, at which point the addition of more cars due to mergers decreases v_T.  The fact that I had enough time to formulate all of this should suggest that \rho > \rho_C for this trip.

Finally, I got home to discover a brand new fucking Pokemon series has started.  I hate when this happens, because they change the name of the show in the listings, which means the DVR misses the first episode and a half.  I think they claimed this was just a preview, so I suspect they'll replay them when the series starts for real.

Because I missed things, I don't know who anyone is.

Like her.  Obviously she's the rival, so I'll call her Not-Misty until I learn her name.  Also that bottle of water has a poke-ball symbol on it, but if you just glance at it quickly, it looks like underwear.

Not-Misty's mom?  Sister?  Friend?  Is she going on the journey too?

Crap. Froakie.  I was hoping for Chespin.  You chose the water type last time, Ash.  Also in the background are Not-Max and Not-May

Officer Jenny knows how to do new series, and nicely lets me know that this is Professor Sycamore.
 Anyway, adventure!
Garchomp is freaking the fuck out because somebody put a shock collar on him.  Ash (having no sense at all) climbs up to try and help while everyone else in the city stands around and acts surprised.

Garchomp's a dick, and flies up to the very top of the Not-Eiffel tower.

Ash, continuing to not have sense, climbs up this totally exposed ladder.

Garchomp shoots them.
Blah blah blah, they save garchomp, blah blah.

But then the ground gives way!

Oh no! Pikachu!

Christ, Ash.  Just...what the fuck was your plan here?

"Pika-pi..." Even Pikachu is a bit confused as to how both of them dying is going to help anything.

But then Mega-Blaziken shows up and saves the day, and Ash continues to not learn the lesson that jumping off tall buildings is fucking stupid.

Froakie pulls out all the cute it can.

Activates its own pokeball, making this pokemon 9486 that Ash has not really captured.

"Everything's going to be great, because I'm immune to the consequences of my actions!"


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