Saturday, April 11, 2020

Saturday: Q29/OK, that's enough "outside" for me.

It's been forever since I left, so I wanted to drive some.  I also planned to get Five Guys, because I wanted food I didn't have to make myself.  It was kind of a disaster.  Everyone out is awful at driving, like the virus is somehow going to jump out and make you crash unless you're driving 15 mph under the speed limit.  Ugh.

Then I couldn't make any calls when I got to Five Guys (because either my phone is donked or the signal there is terrible), so I had to wait for someone to come out to tell them I had a pick up order.  But it then took them like 15 minutes to actually make the food and bring it out, so what was even the point of ordering ahead of time?

And package A that was supposed to be delivered today is mysteriously missing, and package B was left at the bottom of the stairs, because that's a place I'll never see my package if I'm staying home and not hunting down packages. 

Plus, I was able to get a Wegmans order placed, but then they delayed it six times during the four hour block, and cancelled it at 8pm instead of rolling it over to another day.  So now I get to play the grocery roulette again.

But I did finish Assassin's Creed's first DLC.  I'm glad it's over, because it was not a great storyline.

This is what I've been saying the entire game.  Let me put all my people on the boat, because I know they're safe if they're on the boat.  The boat is indestructible, and filled with dozens of people who can protect them.
And again, this happens all the time on land.
 But I have to clean up cultists.
This general wants me to destroy the enemy fleet, and kindly warped my boat just offshore.
This guy wanted to talk, because he's a writer.  Also a cultist.
So he ended up dead.

And then battle against the final villain.

Return home to say goodbye forever to dead husband.
And then it was time for the new adventure of the Second DLC.

Where the possibly virtual realization of a not-quite divine ancient being is leading the way. 
As you do. 

There were lots of time travel shenanigans back and forth to the present day.
Eventually sending me back to Serifos.
"Hey, this is where I ruined a wedding!"

"Oh, wait, is this also..."

Yep.  This is the place I couldn't save the girl so she now lives with her mud friends.

But then to freaky future zone.

A title card.
And standing on Persephone's head.
Tomorrow, I'll take a closer look at things in the afterlife.

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