Saturday, April 4, 2020

Saturday: Q22/Clearing the afterlife.

In Assassin's Creed.  Because that's what you'd expect to be doing in a game with that name.

It started with the dead guy on the left. 
He was walking outside his very heavily armed fortress with just a guy.  Really?  You are that awful at security that you just wander out into the open?

This led me to Akhenaten's afterlife, where I had to defeat the heresy of the Aten.

Which didn't go away, just changed what it was shining on.
Should I be worried about that?  In any case, the next fight was against Tutankhamun.
Who has a snazzy throne.
This is also a weird afterlife.
Not just because it is the Duat, but because it's dark.

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