Thursday, April 9, 2020

Thursday: Q27/Finishing loose ends

And trying to order lamb for this weekend.  It's a challenge.

I finished a lot of the quests in Assassin's Creed Odyssey today.  After the last time, I found out in cutscenes that I was now living with Natakas and Darius, and had had a son, Elpidios.  Then, some crazy people attacked, killing Natakas, and kidnapping Elpidos, because they apparently want some of the murder I've been dishing out around Greece.

So I ignored that questline, and went to do other stuff, because I never like Natakas, and had far more invested in Phoibe than this kid I only have seen for like 30 seconds.

First up, dealing with Aspasia.
Huh.  Interesting strategy.

Not exactly the same one we've used previously, but it lets me check that entry off in Wednesday's table.

Aspasia kind of leaves with a "I've not learned any lessons, so next time I'm just going to do the same thing, but better!"  I kind of wish she'd tried a little bit more to be not evil, but what can you do.  Kiss her after your husband is murdered and kid stolen, I guess.

And then smash her shiny pyramid.  NO SHINY PYRAMIDS FOR REGULAR PEOPLE!
That completes the tree of baddies I started fighting 219 days ago.
Met up with the gang back in Athens.

Come on.  I have that marked down with three 💗s.
Selfie time with the team:
Alkibiades one last time.
Socrates and Aristophanes.
Completing that quest gave me one more, with Herodotus.  Who wanted to return to Athens.
Are you fucking kidding me, Herodotus?  This side of Piraeus isn't good enough?  We have to sail around to the other?  FINE.
After we said our goodbyes, I noticed a dead guy behind me.  I suspect that's my fault from a previous visit?
With that done, I returned to the new questline.
Murdering the crap out of a whole new bunch of assholes.

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