Friday, November 3, 2017

Friday: What an asshole.

When Obama would visit, he almost always arrived late in the evening, and he stayed out of the way, which minimized any extra traffic.  Then this fucker arrives:
Look at this shit.
He flies in, shuts down H-1 so he can go to his hotel in Waikiki (which is also all shut down), has a fucking nap because he's a feeble old fuck, shuts down H-1 again to go to Pearl Harbor, doesn't actively shit himself, then shuts down H-1 again so he can go back to the hotel.  They also had all the cross streets shutdown as well, so the only way to get from mauka/makai of H-1 was to take University.

The Inhumans was again a bunch of crap.  At the beginning of the episode, Medusa says, "We can't go around killing everyone!"  My first thought was "that doesn't sound like the Medusa I know."

I mean, here she is throwing a giant energy monster into a building.
Then, at the end of episode, I made the note, "How bout you go stab some people?" because that is literally the plan.  Green Inhuman Knife Guy kills like six guards, then punches Maximus a bunch before taking him to Black Bolt.  Then they have a "twist ending" that if they kill Maximus, the city is destroyed because he made a backup plan/they needed to fill out one more episode.  It's stupid, this whole show is stupid, ugh ugh uuuuuugggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh.

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