Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sunday: Returning home.

I'm super tired, partially due to jet lag, but largely due to the fact that I didn't' sleep much last night.

This didn't help dealing with MCO, which as far as I can tell is an airport run by idiots.  Issues I saw:

  1. The United counters don't open until 4:30 according to their webpage.  The self-check in kiosks open at 4, though, so checking baggage is an ordeal of waiting for impatient people to get out of the way.
  2. Dunkin Donuts doesn't make doughnuts until 5am.  This is by far the largest instance of "WTF?"
  3. TSA supervisor guy Mattheus is a bag of shit.  "Oh I have to scan this again, because it tested positive."  Fuck you and your lies.  I'm reasonably sure this was "I'm going to fuck with you because you opted out."  If you really thought there was an issue, I'm pretty sure "scan it again" wouldn't be the option chosen.  Also: what's the point of scanning it again?  Doesn't that largely admit that any given scan has negligible utility?  Also:  good job not even bothering to come up with a reason to scan my poster tube again.  Jokes on you, however, Shit-bag:  nothing's fucking open at MCO at 4:45am, so it's not like I had a lot of things to do.
  4. Qdoba is open at 4:45am, but after thinking about doughnuts the entire ride to the airport, I didn't want a burrito.

In any case, travelling home sucked because MCO had no food I wanted open, and then I had a super short transfer at IAH, which doesn't really have decent "grab and go" kinds of food.  I bought M&Ms.

And then had an odd sandwich on the plane that only cost like $10.

But I did eventually make it home.
And the limo I took had this dragon statue inside.
Yep.  Limo from the airport.  Again.
 And then I went to get food.
Not shown: unagi and tamago.

I'm hungry again, but I got a WF burrito for this occasion.  Because now I wanted a burrito.

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