Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday: Yay! Three Day Weekend!

The best kind of weekends.  Well, ok, a four day weekend is better, but I think that only happens for Thanksgiving.
Or Easter, maybe?

I do have to figure out what I'm doing this weekend.  I know I'm going to try to get doughnuts tomorrow.  I think I'm then going to spend the rest of the weekend doing work related crap.  Woo?
What are you doing, Squirrel? You don't even know how to play the piano!

What are you doing, Bear? That's not how you play pool!

  • Times are hard for Team Rocket.  No more balloon trips.
  • Maybe I'll go see The Avengers, since I got the shitty movies on all my flights, and therefore haven't seen it.
  • "I'm an astronomer, Wonderella.  Feelings are astrology talk."
  • I saw this today, and thought it was basically the dumbest thing I'd read all day.  It's another case of setting up a false centrist position, and claim that both sides are equally to blame for the current state of politics.  That's demonstrably not true.  When one side lies, all the time, about everything, it's kind of important to point that out.  Plus, if you decide you're going to side with the people who lie, all the time, about everything, then there are really only two ways to classify you: 1) you're a complete moron who doesn't have the ability to realize you're being lied to; 2) you know you're being lied to, but don't care because you think you stand to benefit.  Or, to put it shorter: you're either dumb or complicit.
  • That was Robbie the Rabbit above.  

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