Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday: I will find you, Linear Algebra. You can't hide forever.

Linear algebra and I are not friends today.

I really wish the day had naps built in, too.
  • Squirrel!
  • Puppy!
  • After reading this story about the crappy Republican presidential candidates, I started thinking.  If no sane Republican can ever run for president ever again, that suggests that the Democrats just need to run someone who isn't a lunatic to take the presidency pretty much forever (under the assumption that at least 50% of the country isn't utterly stupid).  However, the senate and house are elected from smaller local areas, where they can find a majority of people who will vote for a lunatic.  This suggests that the end result is a Republican majority in congress (with terrible approval ratings, as more than 50% of all voters disapprove of what they're doing) and a Democratic president (with an acceptable approval rating).  Therefore, the steady state solution for this system is a government that is largely unable to deal with any of the actual functions of government.
  • Then again, the Democrats could all vote for Kodos, and we end up with a super powerful executive.  Not sure this is much better, really.
  • Elsevier still sucks.

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