Monday, October 15, 2018

Monday: I have been doing stuff all day and I'm tired.

I finally got my code at work to yield pixel-equivalent results, so tomorrow I need to go add documentation and debug metadata.  Technically neither of those is part of the ticket, but if I'm in the code this deep, I'm going to add the metadata calculations that really should have been done long ago.

Then, just before I went home this evening, one of the grad students asked me a fairly detailed question about asteroid observations.  I would have thought someone else would be the expert in this, but I guess I do know 90% of how to identify things (cross match, filter, Hough transform, then magic to fit an orbit).  So I spent a big chunk of the evening writing some snek to do step one, and if I wasn't so tired, I could probably get up to step four.  It's a thing I was planning to write at some point anyway, just because the same data analysis is helpful for lots of things.

I finally made this garlic noodles, as well.  It's pretty close to the one in Alameda, although they thin it out a bit more than I did.  I think the actual answer is "I dumped too much spaghetti in the sauce because I was hungry and wanted to make lunch for tomorrow as well".  Still, good.  More garlic and more parmesan would make it better, but I probably hit the garlic threshold.
And I used the fake cheese, because that's what I was expecting.

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