Monday, October 22, 2018

Monday: "Damn horse is fireproof!"

Legends of Tomorrow is back, and it started off this season at basically the same level of crazy it left off last season.  The team had to go back to Woodstock to prevent a monster from killing everyone, and the monster turned out to be a murderous unicorn that eats hearts and sprays hallucinogenic goo.

This morning I discovered that the sun shines perfectly through my peep hole at this time of year.

I bought steak at the Korean grocery this weekend.  It was good, and I made too much delicious baked potato to go with it.
I also discovered this morning that I'm now within in delivery radius for the new Amazon/WF thing.  $5 for delivery plus ~$5 for driver tip is totally within my "I'm lazy, but want a specific food" price point.  I understand that this is a super lazy thing to do, but since there is no regular grocery near my apartment, this gives me a reason to not spend an hour getting groceries.  Plus: it probably cuts down on my impulse shopping.

In any case, I actually planned out meals for this week.  Steak tonight (and leftover for lunch tomorrow).  Gochujang pork belly tomorrow (with leftovers for lunch Wednesday and Thursday).  Stuffing muffins Thursday (mushroom, shiitake + miso, apple, plain?).

And I know I'm falling behind on Drawlloween.

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