Saturday, February 10, 2018

Saturday: NBC is criminally bad at showing the Olympics.

You'd think "film Olympics, show that to people" would be easy, but when I checked at 2:00 this afternoon, it was Judge Judy.  2:30?  NBC Nightly News.  3:00?  Judge Judy.  I get that they wanted to have a single feed for all time zones, but why not have optional alternate feeds so that people not on the east coast can watch something.  Also, this is now a rerun I'm watching.  They only showed figure skating and snowboarding.  No ski jump?  Or speed skating?  Come on.

The gothic event is over.  I finally completed my last stretch goal from the beginning of the game.

 Because I really wanted sushi, and didn't trust that Kuru Kuru would have good staff today.  So I decided to try the Genki next to Safeway, which also allowed me to buy stuff at Safeway.

I satisfied my ebi fry craving.

The entire place is express train style.  You order from the tablet, they make the order, put it on the train, and it's delivered to you within a minute or two.  Probably smarter, as it prevents waste, and eliminates some of the staff needed.
I ordered too much, and had a too-full tummy.
I have the pair now!

This showed up on the nearby yesterday, and my comment was "what is this skittery fuck?"  A nightmare, obviously.
 The sushi was supposed to be a "light" lunch, as I had the idea when I woke up to get Korean again for dinner.  There's one close, so I decided the rule was that I could get it, but that I had to do a walk first, and pick it up on the way back.
I went with bulgogi instead of kalbi.  I also didn't eat all the mandoo in one sitting, so I have not yet eaten 20 in less than 48 hours.
It's been awhile since I did a walk.  I should probably not be that lazy.  The bulgogi is also good.  Easier to eat than the kalbi, but not as caramelized.

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