Sunday, January 26, 2020

Sunday: A lazy day

I woke up late, had late breakfast at the pancake place, bought steak for dinner this week, and then played video games and watched tv all day.  It was a good Sunday.

Finished the mythic creature quest and sealed Atlantis.

Which sent me back to the future team, who are exploring the place.
And who fucking shows up?
Kassandra, dressed up in a really nice suit.
 A suit that I discovered is not a playable in-game costume.
But she's been alive long enough, and so she gives the immortality staff away.

And dies, which is sad, but knowing that she lived like 2500 years is pretty good.
Then back to the regular game, detailing some small part of those 2500 years.
I discovered the edge of the world.
 And this jerk from Persia shows up, and tries to guilt me with that "you kill people, always, all the time" thing that Plato failed with.  He strung a bunch of dead bodies in a tree, and then invited all their relatives to visit, and try to kill me.  A cunning plan, but one that fell apart instantly.  I think the goal was to show me how evil I am, by forcing me to kill normal idiots.
Jokes on them, because there's a wolf den nearby, so I just kited the idiots through the wolves, and let them fight it out.
It was successful.
I like Kassandra's little travel jokes.
 In any case, I defeated that DLC content, so it was back to the regular game.
And I found a dead guy on my ship when I parked it.
It wasn't me.  I always try to dispose of my dead guys properly.

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