Saturday, January 11, 2020

Saturday: "And your pal, Friendpatine."

From this joke:

I finally went to see the new Star Wars.  Review after the jump.
And had a banh mi.

I also finished my puzzle:

I've come to the conclusion that separating pieces by shape is a good thing, too.  The names I came up with: A, B, C, 3, 4, X, hook.  A has one pip, B and C have two (with C being the right angle one), 3 and 4 are obvious, and X has zero.  Since hooks need matching hooks, they also need to be considered separately.

But in any case, done.

I have two main complaints.  First, the story for these three last movies has been crap.  It feels like no one planned the whole thing out ahead of time, so it's all slapped together movie-by-movie.  Blame George for whatever you want, he at least had a semi-clear picture of the story he wanted to tell.  This one in particular was rushed, and had a lot of unnecessary running around.  A better story would have folded a lot of the backstory into the previous one, letting this one just be better (and skipping that crappy casino world aside).

Second, they've gotten to the point of wanting to make everything a call back to something else.  This is fine in small quantities, but a whole movie is too much.

Bringing back Palpatine wasn't awful.  Making him Rey's grandfather is reasonable, since there's only one family in the entire galaxy.  Stopping Rey-lo completely was a good thing, but they could have done it sooner and better.  Eliminating Rose's part is a travesty, because Kelly Marie Tran is delightful.  I also liked married couple Finn/Poe, and Billy Dee Williams was a nice addition.  He's Way Too Old for the lady at the end of the movie, but whatever.

I hope they try to come up with a better plan going forward.  Milking it for a movie-a-year is clearly more than they can actually make.

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