Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Wednesday: Today was garbage, and I hate everything.

First fun thing: my home computer suddenly became super sluggish, and the load shot up to 100.  I came home from work to see what had happened, and it had crashed completely, turning itself off.  From the logs, it appears that some asshole was trying to connect to ssh, and it was taking effort to reject all those connections.  That's at least my best guess, considering that everything else seemed fine after rebooting.

Although the log data of rejected connections doesn't point out an unusual amount of activity.  Although the sudden jump around July 13 corresponds to when I bought a domain name from Google.  Great.  Wonderful.

Second fun thing: guy who decides to a) stop right in front of a crosswalk, so I also stop, thinking he's stopping for a pedestrian, like you're supposed to, but no, this asshole is just bad at driving; and b) just turn left from the right lane, forcing me to stop so I don't kill us all.

Third fun thing: tumblr in general.  Why is it so hard for them to not break everything every other day?  The fact that the standard suggestion is "install xkit", because the site is so unusable that you need to use a third party extension to make it not a pain in the ass.  In other words, xkit is broken again, and I'm annoyed.

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