Sunday, August 27, 2017

Sunday: Today's plans didn't really work out.

First, I wanted to go to the park.  However, the park was super crazy busy, and I didn't want to deal with it.  So I went to get pancakes, which was really the only part of the day that went correctly.

And kalbi, since that's the thing now.
Part of the reason why it's the thing is that the pork chop that I've gotten a lot in the past has joined the cajun calimari steak in the big book of "menu options that are no longer available."  Which sucks, because I liked both of those things, but kalbi is never a bad option.
Especially when the last piece kind of looks like a dinosaur.
Originally, there were only three stickers, but the app didn't show me the stickers, so I kept adding more until the tweet didn't post, and when I tried again, all the stickers were in place.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Then I was planning on picking up stuff at Safeway, but remembered as I left lunch that I didn't put my Safeway card in my weekend wallet, so I couldn't go there.  Then, when I got home, I thought about going for a walk in the neighborhood, but couldn't get motivated to go do that.

  • I think everybody can come to the same conclusion based on the headline to this story without me saying it out loud.
  • Red pandas.  I learned this weekend that there are actual living assholes out there that poach red pandas for fur.  I mean, I simply don't understand being that much of a piece of shit.
  • I don't know who this lady is, but look what she reveals.
  • Yeah, they were both dumb, and I think this "apologetic" Tony Stark is stupid.  Tony fucks up all the time.  But he moves on, and keeps inventing and building a better world.  That makes him terrible to deal with, but at least he's not Reed Fucking Richards.  Richards may have been the smartest person on the planet before Lunella arrived, but his level of fuck ups dwarfs Tony's.
    • Tony: I got super drunk because I deal with things badly and crashed my Iron Man armor into a bunch of things.
    • Reed: I considered the point the zombies were making, and decided to infect myself and my family with zombie-itis before spreading it to the entire planet.

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