Thursday, August 24, 2017

Thursday: Just when I kind of had a plan for a new phone sorted

I've been thinking about getting a Pixel, because Motorola seems to be taking forever to release a new version of the X, and I'm not super enthused by their Z series.  When I looked into it, I discovered that the Pixel supports some gestures, so one of my main reasons for liking Motorola has a solution.  Plus, the Pixel comes without any bullshit installed, so that's a good thing.

The only major issue is that it's like $750, and that was too much for me to impulse spend yesterday.  It turns out that was probably a good thing, because I saw today that they're releasing an updated Pixel 2 on October 5.  So I should wait a month, and get the updated model.  But the updated model doesn't have a headphone jack, because all cell phones are designed by people who never use cell phones, I guess.  That led to me looking up Bluetooth headphones on Amazon, and discovering that 99% of the top selling headphones are made by companies I've never heard of, all have questionable reviews that sound fake, and all of them have people complaining that the batteries don't last as long as they want.  I should probably just buy one, since I use my headphones with my phone while travelling and while walking, and I can always bring the adapter and regular headphones while travelling anyway.

Also in the car.  So I'll need either another adapter to live there, or another Bluetooth thing.  Ugh.

I ran out of Pidgey candies today.  I still have 264 Rattata ones, though, so I guess that's my go-to trash evolution.

Gee.  Thanks, Google.  I needed that important update.

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