Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tuesday: Just awful.

I would have taken the screenshot of the award screen, but I was ordering lunch.
Which, despite saying "no mayo," ended up with mayo.  Who even likes mayo?  Mayo is just awful.

Agents of SHIELD continues to also be kind of awful, mostly because no one has learned the lesson of "maybe we all sit down and compare notes."  I understand that this is because the writers are bad at coming up with conflict, but this isn't real conflict, it's just people being dumb.  Like,

Red arrows point from someone keeping a secret to the person they're keeping secrets from.  Purple arrows link people who have a joint secret they're keeping from people.  Blue arrows link people who have relationships where they probably shouldn't be keeping secrets.
I have my live notes after the break.

Also, consensus seems to be the new director is this guy.  Sure.  Fine.  Whatever.  He's super strong, and that guy seems to not have any "oh, but secretly a bad guy" bullshit to fuck it up.

  • Pokemon.
  • Not Pokemon.
    • Debate quotes.
    • More debate stuff.  I can't wait for her to be president.
    • Crossover events are bad.
    • Ok, skipping the racism because that's obviously bad, WTF is going on in this picture?
      • I assume this is supposed to be Fu Manchu.  Those are not situation appropriate clothes for "doing evil."
      • And did he steal all the cloth for himself, and that's why he can't get proper clothing for his minion?  I mean, again.  "Doing evil."  You should at least have a shirt and shoes.
      • What is the plan to kill this lady?  Is she supposed to hang?  You can't stab somebody?
      • Besides, I think if that door is open that much, it's probably too late for her.  You don't design gallows so that you have to manually open the door the entire way, with or without comically large levers.
      • Was this all happening after they robbed a pet store and took all their tiny lizards?  Are they supposed to kill her?  What happens when the door opens?  Honestly, this one point is the real reason for this link/rant.  Why tiny lizards?
      • Is the one guy just sitting on the floor?
      • I'm unclear about the other guy, he seems to be leaping from ??? to ???
      • The minion doesn't cast a shadow.
      • Also: super racist.

Agents of shield notes:

"Ghosts!"  "That's crazy!"  "No.  I have a picture of the ghost.  It's ghosts."

"I have no real reason to do this, but I'm going to be a dick to Ghost Rider, because somehow we need to justify my character continuing on the show, and GR's presence on the show as well."

Where the hell did they get all sorts of super highly trained military guys that could get SHIELD level clearance?  Why didn't they have them before?  I refuse to believe that there is an infinite supply of SHIELD level people that weren't either killed when Hydra took over, or were already recruited by Hydra to be jerks.

The ghost is a scientist ghost who has other ghosts in other ghost boxes?  Are these ghosts like the guy who was a ghost on Agent Carter last season?

May has been seeing creepy ghost faces, but doesn't talk about it with anybody, even her science pals?  Isn't "hey, I'm seeing creepy ghost faces" something most people would tell their science pals?  Oh, and when Science Pal Lady sees her, she runs away.  Good plan.  That's going to fix the creepy ghost face vision.


Everyone is going to meet up at the ghost lab, aren't they?

Yep.  Plus GR incinerated a ghost.  THAT'S NOT HOW RIDING WORKS< GHOST RIDER!  Good move though.  Those ghosts are jerks.

Science Pal Guy is basically the audience here.

Yeah.  This seems like a bad plan.

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