Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wednesday: Database table corruption is a nightmare I didn't want to deal with tonight.

I have backups, so it's just a matter of re-ingesting the dump, and re-reading all of my RSS items.  More of a hassle than a disaster, but still annoying.

This doesn't have much to do with the point, but it segues to my phone.
Which is, of course, the best phone ever created, ever.  Yesterday, the Motorola Moto app seemed to have forgotten where I work, so it had stopped putting itself to silent mode when I got to the office.  I fixed that, and discovered that they'd updated the "you're driving" component.  Now, it can start playing music automatically when it determines you're driving and it's either tethered via bluetooth (which my car doesn't do), or it's plugged into the headphone jack (which my car does have).  This is exactly the kind of thing I was hoping for last weekend when I was driving around.  Get in the car, plug in phone, start driving, music starts automatically.

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