But then there was a cool sunset. I attempted to use the cage transform tool in gimp to smooth out the obvious break, but because the gimp is written by morons, I gave up. Why are they morons? Because after they switched to the "everything default saves to xcf because we want to prevent data loss," the cage tool doesn't prevent the data loss that can occur if you accidentally hit a button that switches the tool. And it doesn't save the transforms it's calculated. And it completely recalculates everything when any anchor point is moves. Which is obviously wrong, as each interpolation introduces additional error into the final image, so you want to do a single resampling of the output pixel from the grid over the input pixel space, not N-resamplings. It's mathematically wrong, and pushes for a larger input image to reduce the scale of the errors. This means not only do you have to do N samplings over an X*Y image, which is going to be N*r*r times slower than doing one resampling over a rescaled X/r*Y/r image. "Because it ruins interactivity." Go fuck yourself, gimp developers. |
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