Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday: Murder Team Five!

Links first, so I can put the 116 screen shots from that Japanese Drama below a cut.

Technically it's called Mission to Kill (必殺仕事人).  You may want to open up last week's list of plot points to follow along.

Murder Dude.

Young Murder Dude.

Old Murder Dude.

Murder Woman.

Murder Cop.

 Act 1!

I was correct in point 11.  The end cap bits do involve the cop's wife and mother.

I'm guessing very flashily dressed muggers.


Here we're introduced to the Victim.

"I've just made a bunch of noise, and now there's a crowd watching you.  Your move, muggers."
The cop's family try to thank him, but he's all "no need to bother with that," and walks away.

Luckily, he's very famous to random people on the street.  As fan makers are.
Cut to the cop.

MC: "Wait, we didn't murder this guy?  What's going on here?"

MW: "Wait, did I accidentally murder up somebody?"
Nope, it turns out someone's systematically murdering pickpockets.  The leading suspect are the muggers, because these are apparently separate gangs.  The PPs are all sneaky and stuff, and the Ms just threaten you until you give them your money.  Seems they could integrate and corner the entire wallet taking side of things, but nope.

Old Murder Guy is having a snack with his old friend.  Who's also a master pickpocket.  He's unhappy with the string of murders.  OMG is all, "whatever, I don't know what's going on."
It's not like the Tardis.  It's just a local police station.  OMG is a cop too.

YMG is selling toys that he makes.  I think the kid is an orphan that they revenge murdered for a few episodes ago.  He's adopted or something.

MW: "Nope, this isn't my standard murder visit.  We're only in Act 1."

Act 2!

So the pickpocket is the fan maker's father, and forced him to inherit the PP gang.  But even though he's "retired," he's still micromanaging everything and being in the way.
"Nope, I'm meddling for really no good reason."
Random PP tells the story.
He stole something from them.  As you'd expect.
That explains why there's PP murder all over town.
Cut to the villain's hideout.
These are the villains.
What's Murder Guy up to?
Side note:  they're not talking about this Ben 10.  They're talking about this one.
Continuing the flirting.
Also, MG is selling his drawings to the wife of a fan maker.  Guess which one?
He totally has ulterior motives.
The husband comes home, MG feels weird flirting in front of him, and leaves.
Guess who's pregnant?

This is where I sorted out the cop family bit.

Mother-in-law.  Whatever.
He sees the charm.
And everyone is happy.  Note this show is called "Murder Team Five," not "Happy Team Five," so I'm sure you can guess how this all works out.

I'm sure he won't be anxious for too much longer.
The cop leaves, and sees suspicious people lurking around the fan-maker's place.  The villains know he's the PP king.

Act 3!

Probably could have done this research before, but whatever.
I thought about giffing this, but I was lazy.

Tuning forks don't work that way.
The villains are counterfeiting money, and using their position and power to get away with it.  The pickpockets decide to fuck with the villains.  Because that will totally work well.
That's kind of an awful idea.
They all hear a sound outside and go to look.

MC: "Fuck you, MW.  I don't like doing things the way I'm supposed to."

Act: Exposition!
OMG is explaining things to MC.

Victim is telling his dad.

"Settle this" is code for "put-pocket this counterfeit coin back."

"You know, with this totally legitimate real job I have that could support us all without running a pickpocket gang."

What's MG up to?

"I could probably go flirt with her!"


And is immediately caught.  Look.  He made it like two steps away.

This Benten.

"Why have I been drawing pictures of her if he can just do it himself?"
The villains drag off the fan guy.
MG follows along the roof.

"The entire Murder Team Five!"

a) MG is now in the rafters.  I have no idea how.  b) That is a pretty good taunt.  Not a smart taunt, mind you, but still good.

He got a one way ticket to Murder Town.
PP dad watches in silence.

OMG double watches in silence.

MG has the best priorities ever.

MC isn't happy either.
Act: What?

PP dad goes to talk to his friend.

Ok, how the fuck do you steal a sword?

PPD: "Boop!"

OMG: "Holy shit."


A stick filled with sand.  And a taunt.  Because that's worked so well so far.

Blammo.  That's how you steal a sword.  With scene changes.
PPD leaves the sword at OMG's police station.

And goes to visit the marker where the victim was found.
That's the dead fan-maker/son.



Forget it, Jake.  It's Murdertown.

Act: The Setup!

Since OMG is also a cop, he turns the sword in.
Because Sir Nagai isn't an idiot.
Oen was told to come talk to the OMG if something happened.
OMG: "Assassins?  What?  No!  That's silly.  Don't be silly.  Assassins.  Pfft.  Whatever.  You're crazy."
MW has a completely different view on things.
MW: "I'm not mentioning that it will cost money, but it'll cost money."

According to the "fast conversion," that's enough money to buy enough rice to eat for 10 years.  That fan shop was doing pretty well.

MW: "How am I doing this weird echo voice?"

MW: "Oh yeah, a piece of paper."
She lights up the Murder-Signal.
And divides up the money into equal piles.
Murder Team Five!

Murder Cop!

Young Murder Guy!

Badly Pixelated Murder Guy!

Murder Woman!

Old Murder Guy!

Act: Training Montage!
"I walk away slowly!"

"I sharpen my Murder Needle!"

"I run down an alley, really fast!"

"I fix myself a light snack!"

Act: Murder Time!
Why is she so tall?


Those are uncomfortable looking sandals.


"Here, can you hold this in your mouth?"

Point 8.1.

"What's this?"

Even more distraction.

YMG and his Murder String.

Best idea: split up the party.

This is when you should taunt.  When you've already stabbed the dude.  On a busy street.  And had no one notice.

Until the lackey comes back.

Conveniently placed Murder Cop.

Roll credits.

Act: How everyone deals with things!
Her life is kind of ruined now, and she has no money, but she did get Murder Team Five to murder up her enemies.

YMG eats dinner.

MG eats dinner.

MC gets a wallet that goes around his neck.

His family is awful.

Fake murder!
I think my points from last week hold up.  The Victim made the mistake of being born to a pickpocket, and decided to taunt the bad guy.  Everything else is basically the same.

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