Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Wednesday: Even less productive than yesterday

I discovered my "fast" algorithm is also "only about 70% accurate", which means tomorrow I debug that mess.  However, it was nice to realize that all the weird stuff I've found matches the weird stuff other people found too.  So that's nice.  Lots of different support is better than one possibly incorrect due to the aforementioned 70% accurate thing.

I got to the "more weird scifi stuff" part of the game.
I mean.

This isn't historically accurate.
And then I fought a villain, and won, but due to this stupid block:
Right here, in the background behind her corpse.
I wasn't able to put her body with her dead daughter's body in the sci-fi room.  Why is that block there, game?  I could be more pleasant to this lady that I know very little about, and probably don't have enough to be so angry with her that I leave her body in the desert which I guess is what you wanted me to do, isn't it game?
Anyway, the pyramids look cool.
  • I knew Gert wasn't going to be evil, despite what the cover wanted us to believe.
  • Another cliffhanger?  I guess I'll just have to pre-order the third book in the series too.
  • Decans.  How ancient Egyptian constellations were arranged.  The game may not be historically accurate, but that doesn't mean I can't look up accurate details.

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