Friday, February 14, 2020

Friday: I wish I got a three day weekend this weekend.

I'll have to be happy with just a regular weekend.  I need to take out the trash and make D&D characters.  Important stuff.

Made it Alexandria in my game, and found a statue of Serapis.
 Who is not Hades, why would you think he's Hades, what made you think that that could be the case?

Which makes me sad this isn't in that game, because it's just so clunky.
You can't even complete a quest and then immediately turn around and murder your client, because you are the final arbiter of AITA.  Spoilers: a lot of these people ATA.
  • And you can't play as Aya?  I assume Odyssey was made by people who stole the engine, killed all the previous directors/writers/producers, and then made a good game.  Given the in-game modern storyline, this would be very appropriate.
  • I just realized today that the board game Monopoly punishes you if you've mortgaged your properties.

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