Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday: I wasn't super impressed with this burger.

First of all, they just dumped like half an onion on top.  "Fried onion strings" does not equal "half an onion.  They also have problems with "medium."  It came out too cool.
I also don't understand people who walk slowly, and then stop in the least useful places possible.  I was on the elevator down to WF this evening, and the girl who didn't think shoes were necessary and her friend (who did at least have sandals on) stepped out into the store, and then stopped.  Remember zero seconds ago when we were all on the fucking elevator together?  Did you think I was just riding it up and down without any intention of going shopping?

Also, if you're wearing your baby on your stomach, you probably don't need to bring the stroller that is larger than a damn shopping cart.

Then I came home, watched a Simpson's episode that was sufficiently bland that I sat down and reimplemented the thing I did for the Supreme Court for a generic data file.  Feeding the main voice actor cast for the Simpson's into it (and quantizing on years because working out partial years would have taken more time than I wanted to spend.

Based on this, The Simpson's is unlikely to lose any of the main cast until 2020 at the earliest.  Assuming they keep going after that, they can continue for about another twenty years before they lose half of the cast.  However, Harry Shearer is that first line, and he voices about a third of all characters on the show.  That would probably be hard to recover from.

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