Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday: Record companies are stupid.

I was going to put another "here's a youtube video of this song that I keep hearing on the j-pop station" here, but I can't, because the only video I can find is this one:

Which is a karaoke version of the video, so it misses the really interesting vocal line.  It shifts between calm one-e-and-ah-two-e-and-ah three (four) and this really complicated fast line that comes out staccato as she crams all the words in to fit.  It's really nicely done.

However, there's no way for me to actually buy it quickly.  Amazon US only has the CD from their resellers, and Amazon JP offers an mp3, but despite having the same name, the US account isn't the same as the JP account.  Basically, even though I heard the song on the radio here, mp3 licencing doesn't let anyone sell it.  That's stupid.  So I can hear it, look for it, fail to find it in the stores, and then look elsewhere.  The end result is the same, but because of stupid licencing issues, the music companies have lost out on a sale.

  • I liked this pun.
  • It's worth clicking through to the media files to see how much this mine damaged the environment.
  • Huh.  That's interesting.
  • Again, yes.  Taxes on rich people should be increased to counter this trend.  They won't, because people (like, for instance, the Republicans in Congress) are assholes.

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