Sunday, November 4, 2018

Sunday: I probably could have been more productive today.

I woke up, played video games, got lunch, went to play board games with people from work, came home, and now it's late, so it's good this is still on HST, so I don't have to set the date back.
I went to the ramen place.  I should make croquettes.  They're simple, they're yummy, they can be put into sandwiches to double up on your carbs.
 I didn't get ramen, though.  Katsudon:
They have the best pork there.  It's just super good.  I'm getting hungry again thinking about it.
 And then driving for board games.
I went to look up the name of the game, but it's literally just "Terraforming Mars."  It's good, but there are a lot of rules to get through, so despite claiming to only take two hours, it took us something like six.
This means I missed Supergirl tonight, but a quick check of tumblr seems to indicate that nothing too exciting happened, so I'll catch up with it tomorrow.

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