Friday, November 9, 2018

Friday: Today I discovered that my next project at work is blocked by at least two other major issues.

So either I figure out how to solve them, or I wait for other people to get around to them.  I guess that's a problem for Monday me to solve.  This weekend me needs to figure out what to pack, figure out what I'll need for Texas, figure out how much of my food will still be good, and figure out how much other coding stuff I want to get done before then.

And then next week I spend one day doing work, then travel, then conference, then travel, then travel, then vacation.  Which, to be honest, is probably a series of increasingly elaborate cooking exercises.  I'm afraid if we allow three pies this year, next year we'll have four.

Also, I discovered that waking up for a doctor's appointment and then getting doughnuts and coffee means I spend a large chunk of the day coasting on caffeine power.  If I didn't hate the feeling so much, it'd probably increase my productivity.

I decided to spend my fake money on a new fake shirt for my fake person to wear while catching fake monsters.

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