Saturday, November 3, 2018

Saturday: technically, I didn't do anything today.

That's not actually true, but whatever.  First, I wanted to do something new for lunch.  I had originally thought of going to Sonic, but it turns out they don't have anything that sounded good on their menu.

So "Mooyah Burger" instead.
The fries are poorly salted and not that great.  The queso makes up for that fact because it's queso, and makes literally anything taste like queso.
Queso is a good flavor.  The burger was ok, but not as good as Smash, and Smash is across from a Target, so I have more reason to go there.

The tree outside changed colors.
 And then I sat down at my kitchen table, which I recently cleared off.
Like four hours later, I had done this.
I know Julie did this like a month ago, and so is going to claim that I stole the idea from her.  Nope.  I stole it from the grad students, who are also making puzzles in their lounge.  Also from Julie.

Whatever.  I haven't done a puzzle in years, and that's about years too long.

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