Sunday, February 8, 2015

Sunday: Idiots.

Idiot 1: He was driving his corvette like he had no idea what he was doing.  He went around the first corner I followed him through at like 0 mph.  On the next street, he spent half the time on the wrong side of the yellow line.  This did allow me to see what was going on.  He wasn't actually watching the road, but was being super creepy with his passenger.  At no point while driving should you be creepy stroking someone's face while looking at them.  Instead of the road.  Then, the next corner has "only turn on green arrow because the road planner was also an idiot."  Creepy idiot decided instead that he could totally just go randomly, forcing that blue car to slam on his brakes so as not to hit them.

Idiot 2:  "I'm sorry, I just had surgery on my throat, so I can't speak up!"  Well, in that case, maybe you shouldn't go to the WF burrito counter, which is in the middle of the super loud prepared food section.  "Do they have wheat?" she asked me after I'd ordered my burrito.  Not on wheat, of course.  He burrito was nearly finished (beans.  And guacamole.  "No, more guacamole.  More."  Gross.).  "Yes."  "How do you know?"  I point at the sign that says: "BURRITO.  Choose tortilla:  White, Wheat, Spinach".  I know because I can read.  She also barely reached up to get her burrito when it was done.  She had to reach over a row of drinks.  The burrito guy had to reach over the entire burrito counter.

Idiot 3:  WF has been renovating.  The aisles are narrower, but that means they have more stuff.  They've also changed the exits with one labeled as "Exit Only."  This makes sense, as there's no longer a way to get to the shopping area from that exit.  The checkouts block it.  Of course, changing things means stupid people get confused.  As I was leaving, two ladies stopped, read the sign, and then stood in front of the only place to get through that exit.  They looked at the person pushing the cart in front of me, and then stepped to one side, to stand in front of the giant "Exit Only" sign to let them out.  Waiting.  They then tried to push in in front of me.  This is the person I called a fucking idiot today.

The main reason I was there today was to see the movie I saw was playing last week.

Sea.  Song of the Sea.

It's not as good as I'd hoped, but still not bad.  I like how they hid faces in everything in the backgrounds.  It looks a lot like a picture book with the flat design.  There's also a similar "depressing ending" as Kaguya.  

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