Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday: This doesn't seem like it's a hard problem.

Stolen from a webpage that stole it from twitter, but the main theme was "WTF? Homework is hard!"
Except it isn't.  Call the blocks A, B, and C.  The sides of B and C in terms of A are B = A + 8, C = A + 8 - 3 = A + 5.  A + B + C must equal 25, so you end up with A + A + 8 + A + 5 = 25, or 3*A = 12, so A = 4, B = 12, and C = 9.  Done.  The only fact that you really need (other than basic algebra) is that squares have the same length for all sides.  Which really is a fact you probably knew before the basic algebra.

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