Monday, May 13, 2019

Monday: A last day.

Including delicious bbq.

And Pokemon battles.

And bizarre size differences.

And it's probably not actually a felony to use a cheat code to enter an apartment complex parking lot to play the game.
 And, looking back over things, I realize it's been two years since I came up with the scheme to have Julie buy one volume of Sandman, and I'd buy the other.  I read a lot that first year, finishing the first volume quickly (partially due to having read much of it before), and then slowing down in the second despite a good head start.  2018 was just bad for continuing the story, likely due to all the moving and work related things.  It was good to get back to it this evening.  However, it does kind of put the evening into a more somber note after reading ten or so issues.
It doesn't help that the story is kind of spiraling in for the finish I've known about for close to two decades now.
I'll miss the series when it's done, which suggests I should probably start it again.  Or perhaps reread Lucifer, which has much of the same feeling.

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