Thursday, April 4, 2019

Thursday: Today seemed really unproductive.

But I got two big things finished, and discovered what's wrong with at least one other.  So no?

Plus, I got my Amazon package with random purchase barcode scanner.  It works better than I expected, and coverts barcodes into the equivalent ascii using a USB keyboard interface.  That means I can now bulk scan my piles of books and things, and then do all the database lookup/populating after the fact, making book organizing much easier.  And, because it works as a USB HID, I can plug it into my tablet, and not need to lug a computer around.

Dumping someone in the gym on the way home seems lazy, but also seems like an easy way to get lots of fake money.

I guess it was burrito day?  In any case, I wanted to get groceries tonight to avoid the weekend crowd, and this was on the way.

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