Saturday, March 21, 2020

Salsa Doña

It's the end of the world, so why not order jalepenos and make spicy sauce?

Here's my recipe:
  • Like half a pound of jalepenos?
  • Handful of garlic.
  • Olive oil.
  • Salt.

Chop off the stems.

Slice them in half, removing as much rib and seeds as you want to temper the heat.
Throw them under the broiler for like ten minutes.  It's long enough that you don't want to stand in the kitchen waiting, but not enough time that you can really do anything else.
I decided I was done at this point.
You want the blisters, but I think how much beyond that is chef's choice.  These probably could have gone another five minutes or so without any trouble.
Dump all the peppers off the cookie sheet so you can use that for the garlic.  Then peel.
The best trick I've found is to do this in the sink, with the water running.  Pinch the blistered skin, and pull, using the water to prevent the hot peppers from burning your fingers, then use a quick rinse to get all the skin off.
Don't forget about the garlic!  I pulled it here, about halfway through peeling the jalepenos.
 Chuck it all in the blender, with a couple of glugs of oil, and salt to taste (probably 2tbs and 1tsp, respectively).
Check consistency, and maybe add some more oil if it's too thick.  Add some salt if it's not salty enough.  You know, regular things.
Plus this gives you cool two-tone layer effects as you blend some more.
Keep your last jelly jar, and run it through the dishwasher, assuming it's dishwasher safe.  Scoop it all into the jar and put in the fridge, because it's always better after it's sat for a bit.
Dishwasher safe enough!
Realize you just ordered groceries, knowing you were going to make this, and didn't order any tortilla chips.

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