Monday, March 16, 2020

Monday: Quarantine Day 3

I am not productive at home.  Between all the notifications and things happening, it's just not easy to get things done.  Tomorrow is the start of our conference, so I'll at least be justifiably unproductive.  It also doesn't help that my code from last week didn't do the right thing.

I did get emergency cheesecake delivered.

Even though I'm not the biggest fan of cheesecake, it's super dense and fatty, and that was what I was looking for.  I also got four shallots instead of two big onions.  I will make do in this crisis.

In the game, I'm doing side quests.  Like this one where I escort a crocodile.

And where I stand on Ra's head.
Which leads to a point I've been thinking about recently:  math works because it's internally consistent.  Same with science; when things don't work consistently, that's a sign that something needs to be fixed, and more science done to solve the problem.  I've always kind of assumed my political ideas were largely the same: you need this government program in case of X, that for Y, another for Z.  Not only are those things the right things to do, but it solves the system of "making sure people are well cared for."  We currently seem to be in the middle of a bunch of right-wing fantasies falling apart, illustrating why 1) paid sick leave is good; 2) why income support is good; 3) why health care should be guaranteed.

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