Monday, December 3, 2018

Monday: The plan was to get up and do some light work at home.

Instead, I woke up and immediately crashed back to sleep.  It turns out that feeling better and not like my throat is on fire doesn't mean I'm still not sick.  I think I'm not-contagious by tomorrow, so I should be able to return to work and catch up on everything.  And I think I'm presenting on Wednesday, so I should probably figure that out tomorrow as well.

I did get groceries today, so I will have food for this week.  Since I can eat again, I think tacos is going to be the plan.  I have two not-totally-ripe avocados, which will hopefully be good tomorrow.

Also, tumblr is melting down, so that's going to be a fun thing to watch for the rest of the year.  My guess is that they'll back down, because "blowing up a large chunk of daily users" isn't really their main goal.  A quick check shows that all the posts I have that are flagged are paintings and miscellaneous art.  I'm more concerned about the various other people I follow.

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