Monday, April 9, 2018

Monday: The plan was literally "get drunk and think up a better plan."

Tonight was the Legends of Tomorrow finale.  It was glorious.  Last week, the Legends had the plan to release the evil time demon so they could use their magic amulets to kill him.  Except they didn't really know how to do that.  So they go with the backup plan of "hide with Jonah Hex in his time-hidden town."  And then get drunk and think up a better plan.  The evil time demon sends an army of pirates, Romans, and Norsemen to the old west town to demand the magic amulets.  This is not the most ridiculous thing in the episode.

Ray has the idea to release Damien Darhk so they can try to save his daughter before she turns into the evil time demon.  This is a Bad Plan, so he has punch Nate to get away.  Surprisingly, it works, but the evil time demon takes over Damien, abandoning Nora.  Ray saying "you shouldn't hit your daughter" after Damien does that is also not the most ridiculous thing in the episode.

Ava comes with some support, including Jackson, and convinces Sara to try it all again.  They taunt the army, and then there's a big fight scene where everyone gets to slash and shoot and whatever the army for awhile.  They win, but the evil time demon does a thing, and revives all of his side.  The team tries it again, but thanks to Nate, the amulets merge everyone into a giant Beebo doll, which then fights the evil time demon in a scene that could have been called "this is why there hasn't been much CGI this season, we needed to save up for this."  It is the most ridiculous thing in the episode, but also one of the greatest moments on any TV show ever.

I did a live-tumblr of my thoughts:
  • I love Wally West.  I love Sara’s plan is “get drunk and come up with a better plan.”
  • “Are we making a baby?” I love Mick Rory.
  • Ray shows up 15 minutes late with Starbucks Nora Darhk.
  • “Wally, you’re only allowed to speed punch 40% of the bad guys, ok?  We all want to have cool action sequences.” - Sara, probably.
  • “Beebo hungry!”  This damn show.  I will love it for all time, just for this brilliant addition.
  • “To be fair, John, we solve each disaster by causing a second, larger disaster.  We are pretty sure we’ll reach maximum disaster size, and we’re counting on it wrapping around to a tiny disaster we can just ignore.” - Sara
Oh yeah, Constantine is angry at the end because releasing an evil time demon also sometimes releases other demons.  Like this time.  They released other demons that they'll need to fight next season.  And this is totally their thing.  Season one ended with them needing to go fix something with the Justice Society, season two ended with them breaking time so badly that a time demon could partially escape, and season three ended with them accidentally releasing a bunch of demons into the world.  They are failing up the best way they can.

Ok, other stuff.

  • It was a good news day.
  • Yes to this.  This season has made it clear that the Simpsons is written by old people who are worried about their increasing irrelevancy.  I don't remember the exact episode I noticed, because I've started muting the TV and watching youtube on Sundays.  I think there was some technology thing that they presented as silly and unnecessary but popular with kids.  Maybe take your racism and go sit in the corner and remember when your show used to be funny.

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