Monday, March 22, 2010

I spent the weekend watching Harry Potter movies

This is like the only person who doesn't fuck shit up, and that's probably only 40% due to the fact that he's Gary Fucking Oldman. Gary Fucking Oldman makes any movie better.

(It's totally 60% "everyone else in these stories/book/movies sucks at making a real plan, and kind of just hopes things fall into place without direct action."  Sirius-ly. Dumbledore couldn't plan his way out of a paper bag.)

1 comment:

  1. herro flom japan~! i rub gally orman belli much as well as silius in hally pottah!


    .....bahhh i just wanted to find some tackyfun way to let you know i got online in japan just to comment on your blog. and that all up there is the best i could come up with. meh! ;p~~~
