Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I've not written much recently, mostly because I've been super busy trying to write papers in between going to thousands of seminars a day.

I've been in Santa Barbara, California for the past two weeks, and have two more here after this one. I'm visiting the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, which is generally a nice place to do work (except for the fact that there are too many seminars happening all the time). Their concept is that if they bring together a lot of people who all work on the same thing, they'll inspire each other to solve Great Problems in Science. It's a good idea, and I've learned a lot in the past few weeks, but trying to actually complete things here is basically impossible.

I've also not been posting too much because I have a notebook that I've been writing in everyday, in the hope of not totally forgetting all the cool ideas I've had.

Things I've learned (not science related):
I don't like riding bikes anymore.
Buses never run even close to on time.
I don't really like walking a mile to and from a bus stop, but it beats biking.
The beach is somewhat overrated, double especially here, where it periodically smells like a petroleum factory (hint: it is!).

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